Thesis always defines projects that push students skills and knowledge to their edge. But what of values? This year we look inwards and outwards as we attempt to create work that is as concerned on it's place in the world, as it is in our portfolio. Join our guest speakers and grads on APR 19-20 from 11am-4pm, at 49 McCaul Street.

Rodrigo Barreda,
Senior Manager, Design,
United Way Centraide Canada
Christine Scott,
Decolonization Advisor,
Marketing Communications
Kelly Riback-Small
Founder, CCO  
Intents & Purposes
Mark Rutledge,
CGD, National President,
Graphic Designers of Canada
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We'll be having our primary event this year on the digital platform, Gather is a digital event space that allows for a greater level of interaction with our viewers.

Gather Event date to be determined.

Welcome to GradEx – this is just one example of the many ways OCAD U supports and celebrates students as they begin their creative careers. OCAD U’s Graduate Exhibition is more than just an art and design exhibition – it’s a great place to scout for new creative talent or purchase work for your art collection. See the submissions tab for details on project and personal info submission.

The AD Gradex Exhibition takes place May 14th - 15th.

Exhibition Spaces not yet finalized, please check back for
floor plan and details.

The average advertising student seems to run on five hours of sleep, three cups of coffee, and 18 mg of nicotine.

This combination, although concerning from a medical standpoint, allows us to create projects that make even the most anti-art school parents proud. The lack of sleep means we spend more time thinking of ways to make our work impactful, the coffee counterbalances the sleep schedule and allows us to bring even the weirdest ideas to life, and the death sticks are a treat for the soul and a disaster for the lungs.

We’re a diverse group of grads whose love of advertising and design eclipses our questionable habits. We’ve spent the last four years working towards the finish line while simultaneously adapting to changes that no one saw coming. But the time has come and now that we’ve finally reached the pinnacle of our academic journey, we can’t wait to share the moment with you.❤️





Karan Paul

Wing Chan

Random person

Farm Kassis

Pegy Korat